C.H. AdmirandC.H. AdmirandC.H. AdmirandC.H. Admirand

Welcome 2019!

2019 is a few days away, and I’m making changes everywhere! Those of you who know me, know that this happens from time-to-time when I’ve been super busy in other aspects of my life, or have been questioning what my true purpose in life is, etc.

BUT, that is in the past, and as Rafiki from Disney’s The Lion King said as he’s bonked Simba on the head, “It’s in the past, it can’t hurt you,” But I do sympathize with the poor little lion cub, having been knocked on the head more than once in my life.

Changes on my website…My fabulous webmaster is hard at work designing an update for me…clean, open, less cluttered. So stay tuned for more info in that regard. Now that changes have been made regarding GDPR compliance, I am bringing back my blog and will be sending out a newsletter in the coming months.

Appearances for 2019 ~

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The biggie is #BLC19 in May in New Orleans! I cannot wait to go back to the Crescent City. The first time I had the pleasure of visiting was when I was a freshman in high school–yep before the Earth’s crust cooled–with my family. The second time was for my first RWA Conference as a published author…so proud to wear that pink “first sale” ribbon to my first ever PAN meeting. A couple of years ago RT was in New Orleans, so I had the pleasure of bringing my hubby to the event. We’ll definitely be going to back to the Cafe du Monde and the Bottom of the Cup Tea Room. Trying to pack into one week all of the places we’d love to visit that we missed the first time and all of the fabulous events during Book Lovers Con where authors and readers can meet, chat, and just relax will be tricky, but definitely doable 😉 

March 2019 I’ll be visiting with the Rogues and Roses Book Club at the Bordentown Library in South Jersey. I’m really looking forward to my visit, and plan to bring goodies to share 😉


Current wips…I do have a few, Lord help me finish one of them in time for BLC19! I’m halfway through a novella featuring the Colorado Garahan cousins, brothers Matt and Ben Justiss–U.S. Marshal’s. My Readers met Ben and Matt in Jesse’s story and then again in my contribution to Romantic Times: Vegas Book 2…Love at the Las Vegas Bake-Off. More on A Second Chance for Justiss later…

Romantic Times in Vegas: Volume 2

Book News…Mid-January I hope to have the rights back to both series published with Sourcebooks. This has been in the works for months now, and there is a light at the end of that long tunnel. Sourcebooks has been wonderful to me, and I’m so grateful for my time with them. But, there will be some dusting off of those 6 books, new covers, tweaks here and there, maybe lost chapters, who knows?!? The possibilities are endless.

On the homefront…we’re going on month 7 dealing with the ups and downs of diabetes for my darling hubby. From someone who loves — and needs for her sanity’s sake — to bake, changing up and trying out favorite recipes with low sugar since my DH cannot stomach sugar substitutes (and yes, we have tried them all) has been challenging, but thank goodness I didn’t have to give up baking. The other option was to bake to my heart’s content and stand on the corner by the traffic light in town handing them out to strangers. LOL!

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This is the last year that I’ll be babysitting our youngest grandson during the day…he’ll be going off to Kindergarten in September and delighted to be riding on the school bus with his big brother. I have big writing plans and goals for next year. Time will tell. But I know that I’ll be on call for our darlings during the day and after school visits.

Wow…that’s a lot to share in one blog post. But we Irish are never short on words…just ask the men in my life. 

Writing from the heart, about the things I love the most: Family, My Irish Ancestry, Baking and Gardening.

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Categories: C.H. Admirand Blog

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C.H. Admirand’s books are almost exclusively available via Kindle Unlimited in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.