C.H. AdmirandC.H. AdmirandC.H. AdmirandC.H. Admirand

Avoiding the Earl's Lust ~ Video Snippet from Prologue

Good Afternoon, Dear Reader:

After an epic fail with my latest attempt at a video–the audio did not sync with the video–*sigh* I was finally able to do a voice recording of a snippet from the Prologue of Book 2: Avoiding the Earl’s Lust. But alas, I was not able to upload the voice recording. Not sure what the issue was. As our oldest son, the IT guy has been known to say, it’s PEBCAC (problem exists between the chair and the computer.)

BUT! I was able to do another video snippet and think this one has audio and video properly synced. The glare on my glasses is still an issue even with the widows covered. As to the grandsons’ playroom/office…well Lord, please bless this mess…and all y’all please excuse it. Thanks!


I hope you enjoy this first installment. More to come as we countdown to Release Day~ March 16th, 2021.

Happy Listening!

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