C.H. Admirand's AI Policy
©C.H. Admirand July 19, 2024
I do not use AI—Artificial Intelligence—to create or write my books, and I never will. Period.
I have been writing for publication since 1994 and have been in this ever-changing, sometimes frustrating business for the past 30 years. I have been published in hardcover in the library market, e-book and trade paperback in the small press market, and mass market paperbacks with an independent publisher. My first 27 books were published before AI hit the scene. For the last five years I have been writing for my Dream Publisher: Dragonblade Publishing. My 20th Dragonblade book was just published, which is my 47th book. Dragonblade does not accept books that have been created using AI, nor have my Dragonblade covers been created using AI.
My books are unique to me because I use family names, and bits and pieces of my ancestry in all of my books. When I write my stories, I laugh, cry, sigh, and get hot and bothered writing love scenes. I get frustrated and angry when it seems like it’s taking too long for the good guys to save the day. In my books, love conquers all, the good guys always win, and my readers are guaranteed a happily ever after.
When my Heavenly hubby was still alive, he was my biggest supporter. He used to comment that when I resurfaced after a few hours of writing, I looked like I’d been in a battle. He would immediately start filling the teapot. Over the years I have collected and added to my personal reference library which has come in handy when an idea hits after midnight or in the early morning hours, and I need to double check on a fact or particular research point.
Any photos I use for creating graphics for advertising, social media, my website, or for book covers (when I have self-published one of my backlist books), the photos are ones I have taken, precious family photos handed down to me, or photos I have purchased with the licensing agreements for use in book covers, and advertising on my website and social media.
Please consider the creators who put hours into their artwork, music, designs, and writing and do not use AI…you devalue the creativity, integrity, and talent of those who have opened their hearts and souls during the creative process when you choose AI over individual artists, musicians, authors, designers, etc.
Thank you